Build Civic Knowledge:

·      Provide a comprehensive understanding of the U.S. Political System, including federal, state, and local levels.

·      Explain the roles and responsibilities of different branches of government.

Encourage Civic Participation:

·      Foster a sense of civic responsibility and engagement among East African young adults.

·      Highlight the importance of voting and active participation in community and civic activities.

Promote Cultural Understanding:

·      Integrate cultural sensitivity into the program to ensure that concepts are relatable and accessible.

·      Create a space for dialogue on the intersection of the East African cultures and American civic life.

Community Engagement:

·      Engage with communities in the East African diaspora and beyond.

·      Establish partnerships with community organizations and leaders.

·      Provide platforms for dialogue and exchange between communities.

·      Support initiatives that address the needs and concerns of Horn of Africa communities.

Preventive Measures and Interventions:

·      Recruiting and training Peace Ambassadors from the East African young and young adults.

·      Implement preventive strategies to address root causes of crime and violence within the East African community, such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of educational opportunities.

·      Hosting hiring events for the East African communities and helping them mentoring precollege and employment strategies.

·      Support community-led initiatives and programs aimed at promoting resilience, conflict resolution, and positive social norms.

·      Invest in community development efforts to improve neighborhood conditions and contribute creating safer environment for residents.

          Education and Outreach:

·      Provide educational opportunities and promote public understanding of the East Africa.

·      Offer courses, seminars, and workshops on Horn of Africa studies.

·      Organize public lectures, conferences, and cultural events.

·      Develop educational resources for schools, universities, and the public.

Advocacy and Policy Influence:

·      Conduct policy analysis and advocacy campaigns on relevant issues.

·      Engage policymakers, stakeholders, and the media to raise awareness.

·      Monitor and evaluate the impact of advocacy efforts on policy outcomes.

·      Encourage East African communities to contribute the public safety and advocate for policies that promote peace, stability, and development in the Horn of Africa region.

            Capacity Building:

·      Build institutional capacity for sustainable growth and impact.

·      Strengthen organizational infrastructure and governance processes.

·      Develop fundraising strategies to secure financial sustainability.

·      Invest in professional development for staff, volunteers, and board members.