Minn Horn Global Relations

Minn-Horn Global Relations

Minnesota Institute of Horn of Africa Studies is focused on building a relationship between the State of Minnesota and the Horn of Africa countries. These relationships are an essential step towards fostering cultural, economic, and diplomatic ties between the two regions. MNIHAS will facilitate and initiate cultural exchanges, education programs, political dialogues, and invite renowned speakers on the Horn of Africa. Such programs and speakers will be drawn from the areas of art, politics, economics, education, and social development.

  • Diaspora Engagement is a central focus for MNIHAS: We engage with the diaspora communities from the Horn of Africa residing in Minnesota and help build bridges for building with others, both within Minnesota and beyond. Diasporic communities are an essential and proud part of US and Minnesota history and heritage. Each group has made unique and valuable contributions in defining the identity of all Minnesotans. Such insights, connections, and understanding of both cultures are invaluable parts of what makes Minnesota a great state.
  • Educational Collaborations: Establish partnerships between educational institutions in Minnesota and the Horn of Africa. This could include student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects, professional workshops, and sharing educational resources. It will promote academic growth and cultural awareness.
  • Business and Trade: Encourage trade missions and business delegations between Minnesota and countries in the Horn of Africa. We will work with partners to identify potential trade opportunities, explore investment prospects, and create avenues for economic cooperation. The goal is to generate mutually beneficial economic development and shared growth.
  • Diplomatic Engagement: Encourage regular diplomatic engagement between the leaders of Minnesota and countries in the Horn of Africa. This can involve high-level visits, diplomatic meetings, and discussions on regional and global issues of common interest.
  • Cultural Festivals and Events: A key part of our mission is to host cultural festivals and events in Minnesota that showcase the rich diversity of the Horn of Africa. Similarly, we encourage events in the Horn of Africa that highlight Minnesota’s culture and peoples. Such events can attract people from both regions, fostering cross-cultural interactions while increasing mutual respect and understanding.
  • Sister City Partnerships: MNIHAS also facilitates sister city partnerships between cities in Minnesota and cities in the Horn of Africa. These partnerships can create opportunities for collaborations in various areas, including cultural exchanges, education, and trade.

Building an enduring and beneficial relationship is a long and challenging journey. Yet, the rewards are rich and create a better world for everyone involved. It is critical we all respect each other’s cultures, values, and beliefs while fostering mutual respect and cooperation.