MNIHAS Peace Ambassadors

Our MNIHAS Peace ambassadors engage with our immigrant communities to better understand their needs, build supportive relationships, and utilize community resources to improve their situations. Peace ambassadors serve as liaisons between different groups and foster a sense of unity and cooperation. Their efforts contribute to creating a more inclusive, harmonious, and resilient community by.

promoting harmonycompassion, resolving conflicts, and fostering supporting positive change within communities.

Peace ambassadors advocate for social justice, equity, and human rights within their communities. They may work towards addressing systemic issues that contribute to conflict and disempowerment.


    • Peace ambassadors lead and participate in workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns that address conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and the importance of collaboration.
    • Understanding and respecting cultural differences is essential for peace ambassadors. They engage in proactive measures to bridge cultural gaps to improve tolerance, communications, and relationships within our communities.
    • Peace ambassadors collaborate with other community organizations, local authorities, and stakeholders to create a more comprehensive approach to conflict resolutions that improve the wellbeing of HOA immigrants and their neighborhoods.
    • We empower our peace ambassadors to become agents of positive change within the community. This involves mentoring, leadership development, and opportunities for youth involvement in community initiatives. These include civics education programs, college preparation workshops (including FAFSA assistance), and professional workforce training that offers mentoring/shadowing opportunities, resume workshops, and job events.